Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Transitions are weird

You're not really starting your new life, but you're ending your old oneish?
Let's face it. Transitions are weird. I always laugh because I love change but HATE transitions and I am the queen of being stuck in them for a long time. If you would've told me 3 years ago that my engagement would last 1 and half years I would've laughed at you. I would have never waited a year+ in this weird phase of not really being married but being married. Well the irony continues...
The past two months I graduated, hopped on a plane to Asia, transitioned there then hopped on a plane home, transitioned back to America, the next day jumped a plane to Missouri with literally nothing but my backpack; hello transition to being a counselor at an inner city camp. (If you didn't already know it, Asian culture and urban culture could not be MORE different). Now I have transitioned back home....what am I doing now you may ask? Well I'm in a 5 month long TRANSITION. Why? Because I'm getting ready to move out and make a jungle my home. This desire, this calling started at 8 years old...and now it's getting real. For those who support me you are needed more then ever now. Because it isn't short term trips anymore. I am taking the biggest step in my entire life and leaving everything I know behind me..but not YET. January 1st is my estimated departure. Right now it's time to work off some of those school loans, semi-plan for a wedding in the jungle, spend time with loved ones, write ESOL (english language learner) curriculum with one of my favorite professors, raise more support, catch some surf, love on the youth, but most importantly prepare my heart to do my Dad's work.  
Now as much as I hate transitions. They are usually good for us....good for me. They don't allow us to get comfortable. They don't allow us to "settle down" they keep us on our toes, which is where the Father likes us to be. I have been tugged from one culture to another, moved and unpacked again and again. Lived out of my suitcase for way too long. I am, quite frankly, tired, emotionally and physically. But that's ok, because that is when my Father starts to mold me. Right when I'm at the brink and all I want to do is hop on that plane and be with My Farmer and start the exciting Kingdom work we've been dreaming of. He whispers in my ear, not yet. My timing is perfect. 

But I want to finish this blog post doing something a little big different. I truly believe this transitional 5 months has so many purposes. It is time to make certain requests, so I am going to make a request of all of you. My farmer and I always need support, not so we can live a fancy lifestyle over there, but so the projects we are doing can happen. So to those who are supporting me we THANK YOU. And to everyone else I have a favor. I am getting married around this time next summer. In Asia. Now I have a lot of people that I love whom I'd like to be there. Usually when having bridal showers and all that people give gifts. I don't want or need any of the normal couple-y house stuff. I'm living in a hut. What I do need however...is donations for the people I love to share in one of the most important moments of my life. Give me the biggest gift and help me fund my friends and family who don't have the means to go.  This transition is weird, getting ready to leave my American family and friends is hard. I don't really know how to prepare for it. Somedays I feel paralyzed with how overwhelmed I am. This is a huge way to help. Knowing that when that big day comes, my two worlds will come together to celebrate. So don't spend your money to get me nice target microwave, or those lovely plate sets...they aren't any use to me. All I really care about is the people I love. So if you want to help send me a message on my Facebook or through blogger or on my support me page. You guys rock. 
I love you all and couldn't do this wonderful work without The Body (you know who you are) and keep your eyes peeled for our Save the Date...you'll know when I know ;) 

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