Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Some Days Are Hard

Why is it that bad news comes in groups of…a lot. Today has been hard. Harder than being overwhelmed by poverty, because again, with poverty I've learned to eat it one bite at a time. But some days things happen that you can’t do a single thing about, all you can do is survive. 

Some days, you hear news that a young sweet woman, who had her wedding date set the same month of your very own, dies battling cancer. Joshua...I'm so sorry, but I know your bride will be dancing in heaven. 

Some days in the next twenty minutes you hear that your housemate's nephew of five years old gets hit on by a car on the dusty road. His life taken before he had a chance to live it.

Some days you discover that your support has decreased over half in a single month.

Some days you don’t want to trust in people’s promises anymore. Or their casual “maybe's” and “I really really want to help”.

Some days you just can’t shrug of the well-meaning (but hurtful) comments from the Asian people saying things like “You look really skinny” (like that is the best compliment they could give you) “Why don’t you change this about yourself too, so you will be more beautiful.” But I really think I'm beautiful just the way I am. 

Some days you find out yet another beloved person will not be able to attend your wedding.

Some days you just feel like people don’t understand what your every day is like.

 But we ALL  have hard days…

On days like today all I can do is keep going and cling to these beautiful words

He goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Tomorrow is a new day. Thankfully this one is coming to an end. Do not read this and think I’m in despair, but I will not pretend to be filled with huge optimism in this very moment. Many things seem impossible, and yet…most things that have happened throughout my life were not supposed to be possible at all.

To quote one of my favorite movies Les Miserables

                                         At the end of the day there's another day dawning
                                             and the sun in the morning is waiting to rise

 (Why this picture? Well hunting for what picture I should use with this post was a small but meaningful reminder of goodness. You see I have hundreds of pictures with joyful memories captured (which didn't really match with the post) and I couldn't find a single photo that would display deep grief. And therein lies that gently reminder. There is always more JOY than sorrow.)

1 comment:

  1. Mookie, my heart is sad for you and you new family of friends. You are in my deepest prayers. You remind me of "Annie" singing " The sun will come out tomorrow...." I am still praying that WOFF will pick you up for full time support. I will share your loss of support with them. I will also see if I can get Fred to agree to send support, I want to but he is the boss! Know you are loved and always in my prayers.


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