Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Being Justice

     violation of the rights of others; unjust or unfair action or treatment.


     the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjustmanner.

We all feel it. There are things that happen in this world that make us feel sick. There is something broken about this earth and it makes us ache for something different. We all know deep down, this isn't how things are supposed to be. 

  Then we blame Him. Why does this happen? Aren't you going to act?

  • Worldwide, there are nearly two million children in the commercial sex trade.
  • Sex trafficking drives significant profits for perpetrators – a subset of the $32 billion market value of illicit human trafficking
  • By 2020, 1.5 billion of the world’s urban poor will live in informal settlements and slums without any secure right to their property.
  • Children represent an estimated 26% of all forced labor victims
(statistics taken from IJM.org) 

Friends, these statistics are not meant to just make you sad and horrified. I want you to remember the inverse of the word injustice. Injustice is to be met with JUSTICE. Why isn't The Great Lion doing anything about it?

He did. He is. 

He made you. 

     We of the Vine are made to BE JUSTICE. That doesn't mean simply talking about it or simply wearing a T-shirt. It requires action. This seems intangible to many but I promise it isn't.  But it just might not be comfortable. 
     Being justice means going to places we don't want to go. It might mean going to the strip clubs, the homeless, the red light districts, jails, juvenile facilities etc. Reaching out to the oppressed is not usually pretty. Being justice means doing more than sharing a faddish article. It might mean giving up your life. This doesn't necessarily mean leaving the country(Although it might). There are children I know in my town that are just waiting to be rescued. There are children and women being trafficked right here in our own cities. There are people being held in slavery by drugs, alcohol, and abuse. They are waiting to be rescued. 
     That is where we come in. But when you seek justice I can promise you three things. 

One: It cannot be done truly and fully outside of the one who IS JUSTICE. Doing justice outside of the Great Lion is liking helping the starving with no food. Justice and the Vine are one in the same. 

Two: You will be met with great opposition. I can't help but think about the recent movie that came out Selma. Martin Luther King Jr. is an amazing example of seeking justice. But look at the opposition he was met. Being justice is not easy, be ready for forces to be viciously against you. 

Three: Justice will be done. We look at the world and feel so discouraged. Yet if you open up your eyes to see what the Vine is doing you will realize that every injustice is met with something unexplainable. I have seen hope where there should be none. I have seen redemption where all was lost. I have seen light in the darkest of places. Justice has already won and is winning. 

So my friends, those of us on the Vine are being beckoned to partake in this. We are not here to take up space. We are not here to live comfortable lives. We are here to truly bring about the Kingdom. That does not include slaves, oppression, violence, abuse, racism, hate and poverty. 

There is much work to be done. Let us do what we were made for. Let's be the hands and feet of Justice. 

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